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Key Elements of Digital Transformation


Digital transformation starts with leadership. If leadership cannot successfully guide the organization into its new digital age, the organization will fail. This element itself can be further broken down into five components:

Energetic: The leader must be positive and caring and exhibit superior communication skills

Neighborly: Good listening skills, empathetic

Have good judgment: Decisive and forward-thinking

Problem solvers: Innovative thinkers

Do what they say: Transparent and honest

Culture shift

Any shift in business operations will bring with it a change in company culture. Once you have leadership on board, the next step is to communicate how the digital transformation will benefit all stakeholders, including the company. Make sure to train your team for the changeover to digital and communicate as much as possible. Overcommunication is better than under-communication.

Focus on the customer experience

The most critical stakeholder in any company is the customer, and digital transformation benefits them the most. Amazon became the giant it is today by offering the best customer experience possible, and there is no secret behind its success. From the C-suite to the warehouse workers, every team member of Amazon is dedicated to bringing the customer the best experience possible. Your organization should emulate that.


Most companies overlook data because it does not directly affect the customer, but data can make both your life and the customers’ lives easier. It does this by helping you identify and analyze pain points and simplify processes. Customers will always choose a simple method over a difficult one. Without digital transformation, you run the risk of losing valuable clientele.


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